Tuesday, September 14, 2010



Strength: easy and only way to have the AI leave the vehicle. Also the choice of which AI needs to leave the vehicle is very useful as in Mastery 1, the gunners are left in the vehicle to mount the gun.

Weaknesses: none that have been seen. 

Opportunities: this node will help make the interactive environment more life like as AI's will enter and exit vehicles.

Threat: none.


Strength: Directing the AI and vehicle on a path. 

Weaknesses: When AIPath is created, Road, is always auto-checked and with it checked it some times confuses the user that there is something wrong with the AIFollowPathSpeedStance. 

Opportunities: Creating a path for both AI and Vehicle.

Threat: None so far.


Strength: Very little variables and very straight forward. 

Weaknesses: For certain vehicles, i.e: Tank and Civ car, if the "fast" is not checked AI will be unable to enter the vehicle.

Opportunities: Used for AI to enter Vehicles.

Threat: None.

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