Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wk5 The End

Crysis Files:
GoogleSketchup File:

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wk4 Modes

For my machinima documentary I will be planning to use the observational documentary style. The reason of why I plan to use the observational documentary style is because of how everything about life can be presented in a way of the trailer. Our memories represents the highlights of our lives. Although this may seem to make no correspondence with the reason why I chose observational documentary, it is because of how this style interacts with the audience. It creates a full blown story with in-sync music in the background. It becomes just plain great. With this showing the audience through my blog with this style of documentation would create a significant impact on the audience. I will try and blend the music with the 1minute video that I shall try and forge.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wk2 Explosions

From seeing many different movies and playing many games. It would be likely to expect the nuke to do an insane amount of damage and cause everything in its area of effect to be destroyed. On the other hand, the grenade and grenade launcher should deal possibly a most similar type of area of effect damage to the buildings.